Have you noticed your electrical bills increasing as you work from home during this pandemic? A study by Sense.com has shown a 22% increase in electrical consumption since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mid-day electrical consumption was the largest driving factor in this increase. From the hours of 10 am - 4 pm, the times you would usually be at the office and not using power at your home, saw the largest increase in usage.
If you are now wondering how to offset these recent spikes in electrical use, you should reach out to us to discuss a solar install on your home or garage. Solar energy has been going through a booming expansion since the recession last decade and the industry is set to keep getting bigger. The drastic increase in installations has driven down the price from $10/Watt in 2001 to less than $2.5/Watt today. Combine that with subsidies from local municipalities (like the grant from the City of Edmonton for up to $4,000!) and at a federal level and you can have a very efficient system installed to offset your home’s electrical consumption.
The majority of new homes are being built with solar panels on the roof. Retrofitting your existing home to incorporate solar is also an easy task. At BLDG, we like to source Canadian made products for our solar installs. These products are not only well made and will stand up to our harsh winters, but they will help encourage Canadian jobs and manufacturing.
If you are interested in making the switch to solar power, BLDG can give you a no-obligation consultation and quote for a solar energy system on your home. Eliminate your power bill and get clean, reliable energy directly from the sun!
See the full article by Sense.com: How Has COVID-19 Impacted Home Energy Usage?