By definition, a building automation system (BAS) is a term representing the automatic centralized control of a property’s HVAC, lighting, and other electrical systems. The adoption for BAS has increased as an answer to solve segmented contracting models that leave property owners and managers with a poorly woven web of disconnected networks. Simply put, BAS is a preferred alternative to inefficient piecemeal solutions, especially here in Edmonton where energy efficiency has become priority one.
Let’s take a more in-depth look at the direct benefits of implementing automation controls for your multi-residential, commercial, or industrial space.
5 Reasons Why You Should Invest in a Building Automation System for Your Edmonton Property
1. Greater Efficiency Equals Lower Monthly Cost
By streamlining your electrical systems under one centralized control you literally gain access to a data warehouse regarding it all. You can study this data, and identify instances of energy waste, make adjustments, and ultimately reduce monthly expenditures. Within the first month of installing automated controls you will begin to see a return on your investment.
2. Better Adherence to Alberta Building Codes
Alberta building codes have evolved quite a bit in recent years. The latest edition is based on the most up to date National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) which seeks to improve energy efficiency standards in support the climate change strategy of both Alberta and the federal government. This strategy recognizes building energy efficiency and conservation as one of the primary approaches to eradicating greenhouse emissions and reducing the demand on the province’s energy resources.
We’re now at the point where LEED certification is synonymous with new construction, while new building methods that employ insulated concrete forms (ICF) are becoming the new norm. In the end, Alberta and the federal government wants property owners to gravitate towards NetZero status. Any modern move to abide by the continuously updated Alberta Building Code will require a switch to building automation controls.
3. Allows You to Identify Underlying Problems Before Symptoms
Don’t wait until air conditioning or heating fails to repair the HVAC installation in your warehouse. Don’t let a blackout shed light on the fact that it’s time to upgrade lighting in your commercial space. Either scenario (and more) can cost you customers, clients, products, and even open you up to a wide variety of liability concerns, as applicable. With building automation controls you will be able to monitor a graphical user interface (GUI) and/or receive email alerts for problems before they become symptomatic. By nipping these system issues in the bud, you also keep the issues from escalating, diminishing the potential for even greater repair and replacement costs. Once again we see how automated controls can deliver ROI sooner than later.
4. Security Measures
Pretty much any new electric system installation falls under the term, Internet of Things (IoT), which represents a series of web connected devices used to make everything around the shop, office, or general property run more efficiently. But given the nature of these web connected “things”, they are susceptible to cyber attacks. To better protect your systems from said attacks, you need a more centralized system of monitoring, which is what BAS provides.
Beyond cyberspace, BAS helps protect from more traditional brick and mortar security concerns too. Building automation controls can be connected to security systems in order monitor events in your warehouse, office building, or other facility, and provide real-time alerts of suspicious activity. The system can allow you to take defensive action (lock doors, alert authorities, etc.) as needed.
5. Scalable
True building automation will be scalable across a range of systems. That means if you add new installations to your network during a building renovation or retrofit your BAS system will adapt. For instance, BLDG Electric installations are performed with an open communication language to allow future additions of most any brand system that will be compatible with your own. Moving forward, you won’t have to worry about new integrated lighting crashing the cooling system in your Edmonton property on a hot summer day (etc).
From the genesis of a new design-build project or retrofit of an existing property BLDG Electric will help you leverage building automation systems and enjoy the benefits. View more about our building automation services or simply call us at (780) 328-6491 for a friendly conversation.